

Apple finally released its stand alone Password app. Which meant it was now time to try and transition from 1Password. After spending way too much time trying to do this, I have sadly decided, it’s still not ready.


I wrote a while ago about being unhappy with what was happening with 1Password. I've lived with it since, but in the past couple of months they have broken TouchID and Watch unlock in random and unexpected ways. I am done with them and have started doing an evaluation of Apple Passwords. While it does have some issues, which I may blog about soon, I think once the stand alone app comes out, I'll make a concerted effort at that migration.


(*) Why do we want software to update? I use PocketCasts all the time, it’s been in some apparent turmoil lately with it being sold/purchased a few times. Updates have mostly stopped. Rumor that a big update is in the works. I find myself constantly hoping for updates, but why? It works mostly flawlessly. It has all the features I could ask for in a podcast client. Why can’t I/we be happy with what we have, when it works so well? The expectation that if something isn’t growing/changing it’s dead. Seems like the capitalistic mantra of grow or die has infected our brains.

  • this was written before PocketCasts was purchased by Automattic.


I go on about Carl Sagan a lot. Recently re-read some of Contact and goodness he nailed some things... Billionaires in space, cult like religious fanatics growing, adblock even.


A long time coming but a worthy second. Denis Villeneuve is in a class my himself and no one else is making movies like this these days. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#Media #MicroReview


Very late to start watching this and just finished season one. Some great performances, but dang it’s dark. Season two is not really my thing, so I may skip it and see what three is like. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

#Media #MicroReview


It’s been a while since I watched the previous seasons, but S4 really is the standout. Each episode is packed with content, almost none of the filler you usually find in Netflix shows(and in previous seasons). The cinematography is excellent, if a bit dark at times.

The story starts off slow by re-introducing us to each character, defining the threads of the story. Then by episode 3 starts rolling and doesn’t let up. The standout episode is “Chapter 4: Dear Billy”. It will be hard to top this one in the finale I think. Sadie Sink as Max does an amazing job and the choice of using Kate Bush’s “Running up that hill”...perfect.

My biggest issue with the season is the turn towards more horror, than before. They play on a few 80’s horror movies, and while doing that well, not really my thing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

#media #MicroReview


I read logs for a living, not really but sorta. On macOS I've tried to use the Console tool for viewing logs and it always felt like putting my head head into a firehouse. I know that it's possible to filter in the Console but it never clicked for me. Yesterday I was complaining about this to an Apple Eng. and they said, just use the CLI tool log. This is exactly what I was looking for. It works similar to journalctl or just old school tail -f | grep.

For example, if you are using an app called barriers you can view it's log output as: log show --process barriers

You can do more complex filtering such as:

log show --predicate '(process=="barriers") && (messageType == error)'

It also works on pid and more. Wish I had found this years ago.



This is a weird show. Slow burn and dystopian. Stylistically, very Kubrick with some Clockwork Orange vibes. It is following the usual mold of shows like it, a “mystery box”, where the “big hidden thing” is kept from us. Once that is revealed, the show will likely loose some interest, but they have layered a few plot threads that add some depth. This is the type of show I think should do a season or two at most then end things. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#media #MicroReview


Long time happy user of 1Password. My concerns started when they took some initial large VC funding. Being what I thought was a profitable slow growing company, taking that funding seemed odd. I know what must come after VC, growth at all costs.

Next 1Password dropped it’s native macOS applications in favor of Electron based versions. Apparently it was too costly to make macOS focused apps now. The first peak at the coming growth/profit push.

Next they announce even more VC funding and then the final nail for me, deals with “crypto” companies. So I am looking for a new password manager.

Bitwarden is probably the closest alternative that is cross platform and supports shared vaults, but it’s UX is clunky and lacking compared to 1Password. Guess I get to spend time evaluating available alternatives.

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